Hemisphere Capital Management (HCM) has recently completed a comprehensive audit of our entire client investment returns history. Utilizing a U.S. based CPA firm that specializes in auditing investment returns, HCM committed nearly eighteen months (and thousands of man hours) to completing this process. We’re proud of our extensive track record of providing trustworthy investment counsel and want our clients to know they can rely on the investment returns we report. As such, achieving this gold standard of reporting performance was well worth the significant time and expense.
This is audit verifies that HCM complies with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) of the CFA Institute when reporting historic investment returns. Based in Virginia with offices spread across the globe, the CFA Institute is the world’s largest association of investment professionals. The CFA Institute created the GIPS® standards and encourages their adoption by investment firms worldwide. The CFA Institute has even created a professional designation, the Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement, which is largely based upon and requires extensive study of the GIPS® standards. The standards have become the worldwide benchmark for calculating and presenting investment returns in a complete and fair manner.